
Processing of personal data

Pursuant to Article 13 of Legislative Decree 196/2003 “Protection of persons and other entities with regard to the processing of their personal data” (hereinafter referred to briefly as the “Decree”) we wish to inform you that:

1) the Personal data you provide to Azienda Agrivinicola Sebaste S.r.l. when you place an order and register with this website, as part of trade relationship aimed at the conclusion of a contractual agreement, the performance of contractual services, promotional activities or otherwise acquired as part of our business, in compliance with applicable legislative and contractual provisions, shall be processed in compliance with the above mentioned law and the confidentiality obligations as therein provided;

2) the processing of personal data in accordance with article 4, paragraph 1, lett. a) of the Decree, shall mean any operation or set of operations carried out with or without the aid of electronic or automated means, concerning the collection, recording, organization, storage, processing, modification, selection, extraction, comparison, use, interconnection, blocking, communication, dissemination, cancellation and distribution of data. Processing is carried out through automated and manual instruments, with controlled access and according to the procedures provided for in Articles 11, 33, 34, 35 and 36 of the Decree, as well as those provided for in the Technical Regulations concerning minimum security measures;

3) data are processed for institutional purposes, connected with or in furtherance of our Company’s business, such as storage, processing, billing, customer management and, in particular:

a) to comply with legal obligations related to statutory, tax and accounting provisions, etc.. for the purposes of managing, from an administrative standpoint, the business relationship you have established with our Company;

b) to fulfil contractual obligations, provide technical support and information, after sales service and to verify customer satisfaction with regard to the products of your interest;

c) to undertake market and statistical research, marketing activities and provide references with regard to products covered by the activity of Azienda Agrivinicola Sebaste S.r.l.;

d) to communicate business information on future initiatives, announcements of new products, services and offers, both from Azienda Agrivinicola Sebaste S.r.l., by sending e-mails and newsletters and from parent companies and/or subsidiaries and from external companies working with Azienda Agrivinicola Sebaste S.r.l.. This service does not imply monitoring of the websites you visit nor control over the messages you read;

4) the collection of Your personal data is required to regularly meet our contractual and legal obligations in relation with the business relationship you established with Azienda Agrivinicola Sebaste S.r.l.: failure to provide us with such data, will prevent us from executing the purchase order;

5) the data are collected in our database and recorded in such as way as to allow access only to authorized parties: data can be processed in compliance with the above-stated purposes, within Azienda Agrivinicola Sebaste S.r.l. or they may be communicated to parent or subsidiary companies of Azienda Agrivinicola Sebaste S.r.l..

Please also note that all concerned persons can exercise their rights pursuant to Articles 7, 8, and 9 of Decree 196 of 2003 which are summarized below:

a) through free access to the contents of the register referred to in Art. 154 of Legislative Decree 196 of 2003, to be informed about any processing of personal data concerning them;

b) to be informed about:

• the name, title, company name, address, residence and domicile of the data controller;

• the purposes and methods of data processing;

• the name, title, company name, address, domicile of the data processor ;

c) to obtain, from the data controller:

• Confirmation of the existence of personal data concerning them and the communication of such data in an intelligible form. Information on the logic and purpose of the processing.

• Cancellation and transformation into anonymous data or blocking of data that are processed unlawfully, including data whose retention is not necessary for the purposes for which they were collected and processed.

• Updating, rectification or integration of data.

• Certification that the operations mentioned in items 2 and 3 have been brought to the attention of those to whom the data were communicated or disclosed except in cases where fulfilling this obligation proves impossible or requires a manifestly disproportionate effort compared to the right to be protected.

d) to object, in whole or in part, on legitimate grounds, to the processing of personal data concerning them, even though they are relevant for the purposes of the collection;

e) to object, in whole or in part, to the processing of personal data concerning them,where it is carried out for the purpose of commercial communication, sending advertising materials or direct selling or else for the performance of market research or interactive commercial communication and to be informed by the data controller, not later than when the data are communicated or disclosed, of the possibility of freely exercising this right.

For the purposes of exercising these rights, the person concerned may grant power of attorney or representation in writing to natural persons or associations.

The data controller and data processor is Azienda Agrivinicola Sebaste S.r.l. with registered office in Via San Pietro, 4 – 12060 Barolo (Cuneo) – Italy, in the person of its legal representative.

The Azienda Agrivinicola Sebaste S.r.l. may appoint as data processors external consultants that are in charge of monitoring and providing services, who/which operate under its direct control, appointed pursuant to the decree and whose contact is available at the Registered Office of Azienda Agrivinicola Sebaste S.r.l..

The data is processed using instruments that guarantee security and confidentiality in accordance with the Technical Regulations on minimum security measures, with controlled access limited to authorized personnel. The data will be preserved for the time prescribed by law, in the Data Base at:

a) the registered office of Azienda Agrivinicola Sebaste S.r.l. – Via San Pietro, 4 – 12060 Barolo (Cuneo) – Italy

b) The company hosting the website of Azienda Agrivinicola Sebaste S.r.l. is: srl – Piazza San Paolo no. 4 – 12051 Alba (CN)- Italy

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